Preparing Kids by Reading Books

Solution-Oriented, Age Appropriate

Begin to prepare your kids with a plan even though you might be waiting on the next offer of Mama Bear PREPARED™ or your private group offer of PREPARED Kids™.

The books here are ideal for mothers of children ages 8 & under.

You may have heard us say that most all of safety related books on the market we've reviewed are DANGEROUS and set our kids up to be more easily victimized.

So, we curated our own list of books we use.

And happily share with you here.

You may already own some of these. If not, you can find most in local libraries, or all are for sale on Amazon.

If you plan to purchase any, please consider supporting our efforts by purchasing through the provided links as we receive a percentage

at NO EXTRA COST to you. These are all Amazon Affiliate Links.

There are detrimental do's and don'ts and typical safety misconceptions!

We've create a Jumpstart eGuide that includes critical nuances on key safety topics and instructions on how to use these books (plus games and conversations) to begin empowering your kids to become a hard target for harm starting NOW. This short, simple but jam packed eGuide will help you use everyday scenarios to instill your child with their very own "Safety Plan".

This eGuide is meant to hold you over until the next offering of Mama Bear PREPARED™ or PREPARED Kids™ (and its purchase includes a discount code so the price of it is deducted from the cost of the taking the online course).

If you signed up for Mama Bear PREPARED emails you have a link with a $20 discount in your welcome email.

Not signed up? Join here.